Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy Birthday to the Most Beautiful Woman Ever

Dear Mom,

You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my entire life. And I work in the fashion industry. I’m just saying. Your hugs, I could drown in them, melt into your arms forever. Your scent, Estée Lauder Beautiful, is appropriately named for the perfect wearer. The world could come crashing down around us and your arms would be like indestructible walls of love. I could think of no safer place to be.

You care and concern for other people, outside of yourself, outside of our family.

I can hear your tears stream and your heart break while you pray for me, for Se eun, for Dad, for your relationship with him, for your parents, for your family, for our future husbands, for our future families, for your church, for my church, for Korea, for the US, for more wisdom and grace, for more faith and love, for protection, for the leaders of this world, and for many more things I’m sure, as the Holy Spirit intercedes with groaning too deep for words.

You exemplify sacrificial love and your heart is easily moved by the things that matter in this life. But more importantly, it’s moved by the things that matter in the life to come.

Happy Birthday Mom. I hope to look as pretty as you do at 49 years young. I hope to be as wise and gentle as you are. I hope to live my life by example like you do. I hope to be the kind of mother you are to us, the kind of wife you are to Dad, and the kind of daughter you are to Grandma and Grandpa. I hope to be the kind of employee that you are in the workplace the kind of listener you are with friends, and the kind of teacher you are to children.

God’s goodness and favor is so evident in my life simply by looking at the mother He’s blessed me with. There are only two people in the world that can call you that and I have the privilege of being one of them. I love you so much. Happy Birthday to the most beautiful woman in the entire world, my Mom.


Your confidante,



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